Region map


Welsh coastal monitoring data is provided on behalf of The Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre (WCMC), funded by the Welsh Government and supported by a consortium of public bodies to provide the evidence necessary for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management decisions.

Please use the top menu to access regional specific data.

Please feel free to visit our website

To report a missing or damaged Waverider buoy, please phone Fugro GB Marine Limited on: 07810 697357

If you would like further information about The Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre (WCMC), please use the contact details provided or use our contact form to directly message The Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre (WCMC).

The Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
Gwyn Nelson
Rheolwr Rhaglen / Programme Manager
Canolfan Monitro Arfordirol Cymru (CMAC) / Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
East Riding of Yorkshire Council

+44 (0)7872048887

Direct Message

Message Wales Coastal Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Directly

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